От издателя "A milestone in the history of operatic production in this city" - New York Herald Tribune "This Met ensemble, oil lively and convincing actors, works splendidly together Plishkaашаен's Falstaff is a highly effective piece of characterization Freni is a delightful Alice, Graham makes the most of Meg, and Home clearly enjoys herself as Quickly Bonney and Lopardo present the young lovers elegantly Levine conducts Verdi's magical score with warбзшхаmth and great brio" - Opera Режиссер: Брайан Лардж Творческий коллектив Режиссер Брайан Лардж Brian Large Актеры (показать всех актеров) Пол Плишка (Исполнитель) Paul Plishka Фрэнк Лопардо (Исполнитель) Frank Lopardo Мирелла Френи (Исполнитель) Mirella Freni.