От издателя Kenneth MacMillan's Romeo and Juliet has long been one of the greatest successes in The Royal Ballet repertoire, winning worldwide acclaim as an impassioned and thrilling view of Shakespeare's traачюэчgedy and o! Prokofiev's glorious score His sensual choreography poignantly captures the conflict between blossoming love and cankerous revenge Romeo end Juliet calls upon the full forces of a great company of dance-actors to present the street fights of the feuding Cбзчцпapulets and Montagues in renaissance Verona, and also to convey the splendour of such scenes as the Capulet ball It also requires a ballerina and a premier danseur able to express the raptures and despair that mark the young lovers' tragedy In Aiessandra Ferri and Wayne Eagling the roles are lived with tremendous intensity, whether soaring during the balcony pas de deux or caught in the last agonising moments in the Capulet vault Режиссеры: Колин Нирс Кеннет МакМиллан Творчесбрбаький коллектив Режиссеры Колин Нирс Colin Nears Кеннет МакМиллан Kenneth MacMillan Актеры (показать всех актеров) Александра Ферри Alessandra Ferri Уэйн Иглин Wayne Eagling Стивен Джефферис Stephen Jefferies.